Makey Makey

The Makey Makey is a simple electronics kit which allows students become inventors turning everyday objects into touchpads which can be used as musical instruments, keyboards or even computer game controllers.
Students can use Makey Makeys to learn about digital systems and how a circuit works using the Makey Makey toolkit.

Introducing Makey Makey - start with this resource:

Use these Makey Makey Apps to get students started:

Curriculum Connections
Investigating conductivity with Makey Makey board:

Exploring digital systems with Makey Makey:

Projects to try with your Makey Makey:

1. Lisa connected a MaKey MaKey to her computer and some fruit and veg and then used the fruit and veg as the keyboard in 'Garage Band' for her guitar riff.

2. Try this project from Dover Public Library to create a Dance Revolution Floor Pad and start dancing.

3.  Create an interactive solar system with  Scratch and Makey Makey

An extensive document of lesson plans can be found here.

ReconfigurEd also has a great post with practical learning activities for years 3-6.

Use this set of slides to introduce Makey Makey and get further ideas.

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